Funded by National Lottery

Through this 6-month-project, we work to address experiences of members of Southeast and East Asian migrant communities who have experienced financial hardship, suffered physical and mental health issues and faced other challenges during the COVID19 outbreak and develop our future activities to improve their situations and build resilience.

Many members of our migrant communities who have been heavily affected by the pandemic and lockdown are those in precarious, temporary and part-time work in small businesses or the service sector, and are migrants with temporary or restricted immigration status which gives them little or no access to public funds and support. There is a lack of information accessible in relevant languages and services with good understanding of our socio-cultural backgrounds enabled from strong networks with key stakeholders.

Through scoping survey, community conversation and development of SEEAC information hub, this project aims to;

  • Improve access to information on public health, basic support and services in relevant languages:

  • Document and share lived experience of communities during the pandemic, and explore solutions for future projects and resilience building:

  • Respond to basic needs for food and daily necessities of target members of communities to enable participation.